Sommeliers Academy - Wine Steward Course

Tuesday, 29 April, 2025
Jean-Vincent Ridon
TIME:    08h30
COST:    R2790
VENUE:    122 St Georges Mall, Newspaper House Building, Ridon Communication, 3rd Floor, Unit 302
Cape Town

If you're excited about starting a career in the hospitality industry and aspire to be part of wine service, the Wine Steward course is the perfect way to begin.

This program utilizes classes and practical exercises to teach you about wine and how to serve it effectively. Upon completing the one-day course, you’ll feel more confident and skilled in your role, impressing your customers. Facilitated by professional sommeliers, this course provides extensive knowledge about wine and service, boosting your confidence to become a skilled wine steward on the floor. Additionally, this course prepares you for the SASA Introductory Sommelier exam.

Course Pre-requisites

You don’t need to already know about wine before taking this course, as it’s covered in the program. However, having a basic understanding could be helpful. It’s good if you’ve worked with customers in places like restaurants, hotels, or other hospitality spots.


This course starts by talking a little about the history of wine all over the world. You’ll learn about growing grapes and the simple process of making wine. We’ll pay special attention to South Africa’s climate, the main types of wine they make, and the important types of grapes. This will help you feel confident when you talk to customers about local wines.

Next, we’ll talk about how you should act and behave when working in places like restaurants. We’ll even practice in pretend situations to make sure you understand. After that, you’ll learn how to open and serve wine the right way. We’ll also teach you some basic skills for tasting wine properly at work, including the theory of food pairing. The protocols of service used in the course will follow the internationally accepted ASI Guidelines (


After completing the training course, there will be a MCQ questionnaire to test the knowledge the students have gained. Those who pass the exam will get a printed diploma and a metal lapel pin to show off their accomplishment. This certification as a Wine Steward is an important step to sit the SASA Introductory Sommelier exam. Wine Steward certification is the first step to becoming a fully-fledged sommelier. The competencies validated by the Wine Steward certificate allow an experienced candidate to sit the SASA Introductory Sommelier exam comfortably.


R2790 inclusive of VAT for the full day and includes the final exam. Courses begin at 08h30 promptly and run until approximately 17h00.