Father's Day Sunday Lunch at Lanzerac

TIME:    12h00
COST:    R640 pp
VENUE:    Manor Kitchen, Lanzerac Wine Estate

Embark on a feast with Dad this Father's Day, 16 June, in the Manor Kitchen at Lanzerac, Stellenbosch.

There’s indeed no pleasure simpler and purer than sharing a meal with your loved ones. A bountiful Sunday lunch with dad on Father’s Day can prepare the ground for creating yet another timeless memory.

Join us at Lanzerac Wine Estate this Father's Day. Embark on a feast with Dad in Manor Kitchen, with all the laughter and shared joy, this will be more than just a meal.

From an appetising starter to braai platters to the table, with dishes such as lemon chipotle rubbed cutlets of lamb and skaapstertjies, loaded hasselback potatoes and mielies from the fire, just to mention a few. This culinary journey of South African dishes reimagined is not to be missed.

Starting time is 12h00 with the cost being R640 per person.

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Bookings and pre-payments are essential. Contact discover@lanzerac.co.za to reserve your seat.