Cape Classic: Matinee at Babylonstoren

TIME:    11h00
COST:    R700
VENUE:    Babylonstoren

Which motive could be more appropriate for Cape Classic than that of seeking pure pleasure?
There is no pleasure more beneficial and innocent than wandering round the magical gardens with its fertile orchards in Babylonstoren before our concert on 3 March starts. A highlight again, exactly the perfect one in order to celebrate Cape Classic’s anniversary in 2024. Once again, we have the pleasure in welcoming you back to experience the treasures of fine chamber music.
Cape Classic means an ideal combination of meeting wonderful people, of cooperative and creative teamwork and of first-class chamber music in dreamlike settings. For me, Cape Classic is truly magical! The pursuit of pleasure runs through every single of our concerts. Lovers of classical music coming together across linguistic and cultural boundaries to enjoy the pleasure of music, of Cape Classic, the Magic of Music!
Let us close our eyes and allow ourselves to be transported into the realm of the domain of classical and romantic chamber music.
Tickets only in advance per email order: 
Ticket price, including wine on arrival and interval:  R700