Stellenbosch Wine Routes Ubuntu Trophy 2023

Sommeliers Academy
VENUE:    Lanzerac Wine Estate, Stellenbosch

The Stellenbosch Wine Routes Ubuntu Trophy, the only international sommelier competition in Africa, will pit Team Zimbabwe against Team South Africa.

On 11 December 2023, at the picturesque Lanzerac in Stellenbosch, the 4th edition of the Ubuntu Trophy will feature a highly anticipated showdown between the two teams, each selected by their respective national associations. The only requirements for participation are membership of one of these sommelier associations and a passport indicating the country you'll be representing.

The morning will kick off with a semi-final to determine the top 3 South Africans and the top 3 Zimbabweans who will compete in the grand finale in the afternoon. On the stage, broadcast worldwide, the two teams will face a series of challenges, testing their talent, culinary and beverage knowledge, and their capacity to deliver an exceptional experience to the guests.

Each task and candidate will receive individual ratings, and the total scores will determine which team will claim the Stellenbosch Wine Routes Ubuntu Trophy, currently held by Team South Africa.

The finals will be open to the public, so you can cheer on your favourite candidates. Due to limited seating, we recommend booking your attendance in advance.

The candidate with the highest overall individual score will secure a bursary with a maximum value of R30 000, courtesy of the Chenin Noir Foundation. Other exciting prizes will also be awarded to the winners.

The finals will be open to the public. Due to limited seating, we recommend booking your attendance in advance.

The Stellenbosch Wine Routes have been dedicated to supporting the sommelier community through their continued backing of the Ubuntu Trophy since its inception.

Organised by Sommeliers Academy, and judged by international sommeliers, the Ubuntu Trophy offers African sommeliers the opportunity to show their talents, and reinforce the strong link between the wine industry and the sommelier community.

Candidates can get more info on the sommelier associations' websites:

For more details, you are welcome to contact the Sommeliers Academy by sending an email to or phoning 021 422 5206.