In Search of the Birds of the Sea Art Exhibition at Spier

TIME:    09h00
COST:    Free
VENUE:    Old Wine Cellar, Spier Wine Farm

This new exhibition at Spier (9 November 2023 - 31 January 2024) is a collaboration between Spier Arts Trust and Keiskamma Art Project.

In Search of the Birds of the Sea – the title of a new art exhibition coming to Spier’s Old Wine Cellar from 9 November 2023 to 31 January 2024 – is a genuine collaboration between artists and embroiderers to co-create wholly unique tapestries.

Connecting artists from around the country with embroiderers at Keiskamma Art Project in Hamburg, Eastern Cape, these artworks demonstrate the power of community, knowledge sharing, culture and heritage.

The title of the exhibition speaks to what it means to create art as a collective: to explore and seek adventure, to share and search, to aspire to something that is an ideal and, while potentially unattainable, undoubtedly a journey worth taking together.

To read more about this exhibition, click HERE.

"Emhlabeni ongcwele" (2023) by Asanda Kupa

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