Albert Frost Trio Live at Muratie

TIME:    11h00
COST:    R295 pp
VENUE:    Muratie Wine Estate, Knorhoek Road, Koelenhof, Stellenbosch

Albert Frost, Schalk Joubert, and Jono Sweetman are performing together at Muratie in Stellenbosch on 9 December!

For the past two decades the energetic performances of SAMA award winning blues/rock guitarist/singer Albert Frost has captured audiences worldwide.

Dubbed the “South African Hendrix”, Frost deftly alternates between rhythm and lead, showcasing his extraordinary skills on the acoustic and electric guitars. His first love is the Blues, stemming from the influence of his long relationship with the Blues Broers, a well-known and respected group from Cape Town with whom he has performed since 1994 at the age of 17.

Albert Frost, Schalk Joubert and Jono Sweetman will be performing together on the Garden Terrace at Muratie Wine Estate in Stellenbosch on Saturday 9 December. Plus, there will be good food and great wine.

Check in: From 11h00
Lunch: From 12h00
Music starts: 13h00

Tickets cost R295 per person and food, wine and beverages will be available to purchase.